
Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the XXXIIIrd WASPaLM World Congress and the XXIVth National Congress of Clinical Biochemistry will be held in Granada Congress Center, Antalya Turkiye, between 16 and 20 of October 2024.

Click for details..

Important Dates

Early Registration Deadline
May 31, 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline
August 15, 2024
Congress Dates
October 16-20, 2024

Turkish Airlines is The Official Airline of "XXXIII. WASPaLM World Congress & XXIV. National Clinical Biochemistry Congress"

Turkish Airlines is the official airline of "XXXIII. WASPaLM World Congress & XXIV. National Clinical Biochemistry Congress", special discounts are offered for all delegates. To proceed with the online booking tool, please visit and use the event code “033TKH24” under the Promotion code section.